Success Coach Initiative

Grant Guidelines

The Alabama Community College System (ACCS) Workforce Development Division is accepting applications for the Success Coach Initiative. This is a statewide initiative focused on significantly increasing the number of underserved students who enter and remain in postsecondary education by providing college and career planning services to those who are in the most need.

Success Coach Initiative

Project Specifications

Funding Period and Project Sustainability

(funding is based on FY period October 1-September 30)

Grant recipients progressing toward achieving agreed-upon project outcomes will typically receive the entire allocation in the current fiscal year. It is understood that projects started later in a fiscal year may require continuation beyond the end of the fiscal year. Expenditure and performance reporting will continue until the end of the fiscal year, regardless of when the grant is closed. A grant is considered to be closed when one of the following occurs: 1) the time period for which the grant was awarded has expired; 2) the need for which the grant was awarded is met; 3) changes have occurred and the project has been deactivated (rescission applies); or 4) performance was unfavorable and rescission is directed by the Alabama Community College System Workforce Development Division. There is no guarantee for continued project funding beyond the grant closeout date. All efforts must be made to ensure that the project is sustainable, if applicable, beyond the grant closeout date. No projects are authorized to begin incurring costs without a signed Grant Agreement and a budget approved by the Workforce Development Division.

Applicant and Service Provider Requirements

The service provider (e.g., training institution) shall serve as fiscal agent and grant recipient. The service provider shall be responsible for administering the grant, reporting performance, submitting timely invoices with supporting documents for reimbursement, and ensuring that funds are used appropriately. Only institutions of the Alabama Community College System (ACCS) may be recipients of these funds.


    • Provide early outreach to low-income students/first generation college students and their families about the importance of postsecondary education, college programs relevant to their career interests, and how to prepare, apply and fund their education
    • Provide high school students with information and experiences that inform them of career opportunities in Alabama and the level of education and skills required to be successful in various career fields
    • Empower students to make educated decisions about their career and educational plans post high school graduation
    • Improve the effectiveness of postsecondary advice given to secondary students (grades 9- 12) and their families
    • Understand how to best serve each student by getting to know them on a one-on-one basis

    Coordination and Collaboration

    The Success Coach shall, in collaboration with the high school staff and administration, utilize a coordinated approach to reach more individuals in need of college and career planning services. The Success Coach shall provide students with career interest exploration and planning services (eg. Lightcast Career Coach assessment and career exploration, resume prep, financial aid guidance and support, coordination of events such as college fairs and tours, provide industry tours, etc.). The Success Coach shall also provide students with 12 CONNECTIONS which are topics covered with each student. The coach may begin working with students in the 9th grade and should meet with the students at least 12 times before they graduate to deliver these lessons.

    Performance Reporting

    Applications must include the proposed activities and the anticipated outcomes appropriate for the length of time the grant is active. The final outcomes and performance targets may be negotiated between the applicant and the Workforce Development Division. The Community College grantee will be required to submit the Success Coach Student Tracking Tool to the ACCS Workforce Development Division detailing progress towards achieving grant performance measures and objectives by the 15th of each month. The Success Coach should record all activities monthly to assist in tracking program services for the target population.

    Data gathered for each of the performance measures will be used to establish benchmarks, and in subsequent years, data will be used to determine gains and/or losses for each of the measures. This information may be used to identify where adjustments are needed to improve the program.

    Fiscal and Performance Accountability

    Grants funded with Workforce Development Division funds from the ACCS will typically receive funds through reimbursement by submitting a Monthly Remittance Request as often as monthly, in accordance with the Grant Agreement awarding the funds. The Monthly Remittance Request must be accompanied with supporting documentation and a report of performance to receive reimbursement for allowable expenditures. At a minimum, a Monthly Remittance Request will be submitted at the end of each quarter to update the Workforce Development Division on the status of the project, regardless of whether funds have been expended. Detailed procedures related to allowable expenses will be stated in the Grant Agreement.

    Monthly Remittance Requests

    The Community College grantee will serve as the employer and fiscal agent for the Success Coach program. The Success Coach Supervisor shall be the initial approver of all expenditure requests for the Success Coach program grant for the Community College. The Success Coach Supervisor should closely monitor all expenditures of the grant’s budget to ensure that the expenditures will not exceed budgeted amounts. Expenditures incurred are for support of the Success Coach position and should be submitted by the Community College’s business office to the ACCS Workforce Development Division for reimbursement. A Monthly Remittance Request and supporting documents are required for reimbursement of expenditures. Requests for reimbursement will be approved by the ACCS in compliance with the Grant Agreement and remitted to the Community College in the form of an electronic transfer. Any expenditure determined to be unallowable or failing to meet requirement for expenditure by the ACCS will be denied for reimbursement and become the financial responsibility of the College.

    Application Submission, Review, and Approval

    1. Applications for funds must be received by the ACCS Workforce Development Division in the prescribed format using the ACCS Online Form.
    2. Upon submittal, a notification of receipt will be generated to the contact person’s email as entered in the online form.
    3. ACCS will conduct a preliminary review of applications for completeness.
    4. ACCS will conduct a Success Coach Review Committee meeting.
    5. Upon approval, the ACCS Workforce Development Division will submit to the applicant a Notification of Award and a Grant Agreement that provides details regarding appropriate accounting and compliance practices.

    Ready to Apply!

    Applicants should be prepared to respond to the on-line application questions as specified, as well as complete appropriate forms and attach applicable documents as indicated below:

    Beason-Hammon Alabama Taxpayer and Citizen Protection Act (Protection Act)

    As a condition of any funds awarded, the grantee agrees to comply with the terms of the Beason-Hammon Alabama Taxpayer and Citizen Protection Act and any subsequent amendments.  It is the responsibility of the fiscal agent to ensure compliance of this Act by all sub-grantees.

    For more information about this grant opportunity, contact Tara Brown, Grant Manager at [email protected]. 

    Questions? Contact Us.

    Barry May

    Executive Director of Workforce and Economic Development

    (O) 334-293-4707

    (C)  334-590-6390

    [email protected]

    Tara Brown

    Workforce Grants Manager


    [email protected]

    Elizabeth Strickland

    Workforce Coordinator


    [email protected]